Finissage @CaféHilgenfeld (Hilge e.V.) – THiS WE ARE – DAS SiND WiR
It is the soul, that speaks trough the eyes. THiS WE ARE – DAS SiND WiR will have a finissage at the Café Hilgenfeld (Hilge e.V.) on the 29th April 2023, Erfurt – Germany.
THiS WE ARE – DAS SiND WiR @CaféHilgenfeld (Hilge e.V.)
“It is the soul, that speaks trough the eyes..”
THiS WE ARE – DAS SiND WiR will be showing photographs for one month in April 2023 at the Café Hilgenfeld (Hilge e.V.), Erfurt – Germany.
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